2022 has started with a bang for the CSN team – several longstanding projects have finally come to fruition, and some grant funding wins mean we are soon to be expanding the team! Find out more below.
We hope all of our community contacts, users groups, and partners are well, and wish you a happy and positive 2022.
If you have a news story to share, or if you would like us to promote your group/activity, please send through to our Business Development & Marketing Manager, Alice Morgan. You can keep in touch with us through Facebook too. We really would love to hear from you!
Our updates

CSN have been awarded funding to recruit a Community Hub Coordinator to join our team in the next few months. This role will be leading on the development of Community Hub services at Lodge Farm, Rectory Farm, Southfields and Briar Hill, where local residents will be able to access advice and guidance services at a local level.
Sessions will also include a cafe, stay and play sessions for Under 5’s, and space for our neighbours to meet and connect.
To find out more about this job opportunity, please contact Alice Morgan on . The role will be formally advertised in the next few weeks.

After a number of years of campaigning to our local authority, we are really pleased to share that Vernon Terrace Community Centre is now protected by security fencing around the periphery of the building.
We hope this will increase security for the centre, and also boost the confidence and sense of safety of our community centre users. An added bonus -carparking is now gated for community centre use only, ensuring our user groups have a safe space to leave their car while using the facility if needed.
Thanks to West Northants Council and the Community Safety and Engagement Team for all their help with this project.

We now have a projector and screen available to hire at St Crispin Community Centre. This is available for training sessions, presentations, or other groups that would benefit from the facility. For more information, hire costs, or to add this to your booking with us, please contact us.

After a number of years of suffering from anti-social behaviour and criminal damange, Lodge Farm Community Centre is on the road to recovery!
Thanks to support from West Northants Council and the Community Saftey and Engagement Team, security fencing has been installed on site, limiting potential access to those who have previously caused damage to the building.
What’s more, thanks to a grant from Power to Change, we have redecorated the Coffee Bar Space, giving it a refresh ahead of the launch of our Community Hub sessions later this year.
There is still plenty of work to be done at this site, including the replacement of smashed windows, but thanks to the security fencing, and soon to be installed CCTV, we will have the confidence to take off the boards and bring the centre back to its former glory!
Thanks to all of our regular groups for your patience while we have pushed this project through. We really appreciate your support and everything you do for the local community.
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